It is one thing to use some philosophy to influence and shape characters. Except maybe some future enemy of mine, whose writing career I wish to ruin with the influence of this horrible series (books 7-end, I mean).

While Faith of the Fallen is a pretty blatant ripoff of The Fountainhead, at least Goodkind let the characters figure things out on their own, instead of forcing them into situations where they can act "objectively." Subsequent books in the series, all the way to the end, were such poor examples of what publishable writing should be, that I will never in good conscience recommend them to another living person. Books 3-5 were mediocre in plot and impact, and everything after Faith of the Fallen, books 7-end, were absolutely horrendous, and showed just what a terrible thing it can be for someone to take Ayn Rand too seriously. While Faith of the Fallen is a pretty blatant ripoff of The Fountainhead, at least Goodkind let the characters figure things out on their own, instead of forcing them into situations where they ca The first two books in this series were great, as was Faith of the Fallen, book six. The first two books in this series were great, as was Faith of the Fallen, book six.